Ok slightly misleading heading as I haven't ACTUALLY started packing yet! I have mentally figured out the outfits I want to take away with me but after the interview trouser debacle I realise I need to try things on before I pack, otherwise I might go away with a case full of clothes I don't fit into! I haven't been able to face doing it before now, nothing worse than confirmation you have got fat, but I only have a day left now so I must bite the bullet. *Le Sigh*
How am I preparing for this? by sitting here eating Cadbury's mini eggs and drinking wine. Bad, bad, bad.
I shall move swiftly on to raving about a couple of Boots products instead. Firstly being a woman of a certain age, wrinkles are part and parcel of my face these days. Some days are fine, but some days, to quote the song 'the morning sun really shows my age'. I don't agree with Botox, even if I could afford it, and whilst I am evangelical about always removing make-up (there have only been 2 times in my whole life where I have gone to bed with make-up on, doesn't matter how tired/drunk/ill) avoiding the sun and I always ALWAYS moisturise that doesn't halt the march of time.
I admit desperate as I can get to smooth the skin I am quite cynical about all the products out there and whether they are as miraculous as they claim. So believe me I approached this product with much scepticism, infact I only bought it because I had a coupon! But I am a convert. Oh yes!
It does exactly what it says on the tube. It doesn't freeze them or cure them forever but for a time it just magics them away, bloody brilliant! I love it. Now if only I could find something that really does that with the black lines under my eyes I'd be a seriously happy woman.
The other product I am impressed with is a nail polish
this one infact.I bought it a few weeks ago and finally painted on 2 coats whilst watching Lewis on sunday night. Nail polish is another product that I never believe the claims on the bottle, I have been failed too many times over the years. However when you take into concideration I have a manual job this has lasted until today with only one chip. Very, very impressive.
This week I have also fitted in a brief flit round the charity shops. Not much to be had by way of clothes. I only picked up a pair of brown capri pants for £1. Not sure they will fit at the moment but hopefully etc.
I found a couple of fantastic accessories mind you.
A clear glass necklace with lovely faceted beads. £3.49
A very cute and unusual ceramic cat brooch £2.99
My Mum said 'ABSOLUTELY NO CHOCOLATE!!' as she and Dad are also trying to loose weight,
so when I saw this Owl teapot for £2.99 I just had to buy it for my Dad for Easter. He was thrilled with it :-)
I then found this decorative tile for my friend Jennifer in America for £1.99
She loves anything with a Fleur des lys design so it had to be done. Finally I don't mind admitting that I like cuddly toys, I know they aren't for everyone but seriously how Easter-y is this little chap?
I loved his hawaiian style shirt. Oh and my Mum brought me the mini eggs that I am currently scarfing and this cute little bouncing chick.
How can you not smile? This does it for me too, even the ugly high street in my town is transformed for a few weeks at least.

An avid shopper, collector and vintage loving ex-librarian. History and books are a passion, so are clothes, old movies, Snoopy, Gene Kelly and heavy rock. Not the most obvious of combinations but there you go! I have an ever growing book mountain and always about 5 books and about 55 stitching projects on the go at any one time Teenage Kicks by The Undertones is my favourite song and The Hound of the Baskervilles is my favourite book.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Saturday, 16 April 2011
The Things you Take for Granted When Working in an Art Deco Building
I have been working in my current job for 23 years now, (I was a mere child when I started honest) and I'm sure any of you who have been in a job for a while know how easy it is to trudge into work each day without really looking around you. In fact I often thought the place looked like a prison with it's tiny wee barred windows.
Here it is in it's magnificent spendour when openned in 1940 and before the extension on top which gives it it's to me prison like appearance!
See what I mean prison right? ok it's probably just me isn't it?
Anyway in the last few months as they empty the building of it's books, staff and fittings I have been becoming painfully aware of my surroundings. Especially as the powers that be seem hell bent on tearing out anything old and throwing it away. Just heartbreaking.
I have been taking my camera into work a lot lately to capture memories before they are gone forever and I thought I would share some on my blog.
The main staircase in the new library. It used to have the most stunning glass and metal lanterns lighting it, again they have been taken down and thrown in a skip. Sadly before I could get a picture.
All the door handles are solid brass, these apparently are going to be saved and reused!
The entrance hall clock, at least they can't scrap that!
Here it is in it's magnificent spendour when openned in 1940 and before the extension on top which gives it it's to me prison like appearance!
See what I mean prison right? ok it's probably just me isn't it?
Anyway in the last few months as they empty the building of it's books, staff and fittings I have been becoming painfully aware of my surroundings. Especially as the powers that be seem hell bent on tearing out anything old and throwing it away. Just heartbreaking.
I have been taking my camera into work a lot lately to capture memories before they are gone forever and I thought I would share some on my blog.
The old library lift affectionatly known as the coffin lift, those mirrors were fantastic for getting an all round view of your hair and outfit. It has since been taken out and destroyed.
The main staircase in the new library. It used to have the most stunning glass and metal lanterns lighting it, again they have been taken down and thrown in a skip. Sadly before I could get a picture.
All the door handles are solid brass, these apparently are going to be saved and reused!
The entrance hall clock, at least they can't scrap that!
Friday, 15 April 2011
A Thoughtful Kind of a Week.
I have been meaning to blog all week but life has conspired against me to the extent that yesterday was the first time I got to actually sit down and read the blogs I follow let alone write anything myself.
I'd better warn you now I feel this is going to be a ramble....
To digress for a moment do any of you find yourself being reminded of other bloggers or their posts whilst you are out and about?? This week for me it has been PennyDreadful and her afternoon tea post and LandGirl1980 and her Boots Traditional Range post. The reasons? Today I was on not one, but two computer courses. I survived both and actually enjoyed one of them!?! EEK
Anyway the building they were in is a blast from the past 1970's office block and hardly touched since it would seem, oh how I wish I had my camera with me when I visited the ladies! Unlike the ones in Penny's post these were not the height of glamorous luxury however they were the height of what would have been1970's modernity. Everything from the wall colour to the font of the 'Ladies' sign on the door screamed 1970's but nothing more so than the wall mounted ashtrays in the toilet cubicles! I kid you not. If I'm ever back there there will be photies I promise.
The Boots Traditional post came to mind when I was in Boots of all places, funny that!
I commented on the post that I have always used Glycerin and Rosewater toner ever since my first foray into the delights of make-up (navy blue eyeliner and spot concealer anyone?) It also made me have the first of many ponders this week which is why I have given this blog it's title.
To explain, I am one of lifes great procrastinators and I am convinced a symptom of that is thinking about things too much, even the most ridiculous or random things can occupy my mind for hours.
So my first mental wonderings were about all the products I have used on my face over the years to remove varying thicknesses of slap. I remember when I bought my first item of make-up, (a navy blue eyeliner pencil from Doncaster market no less) was a time where I was also reading 'Jackie' magazine. I recall the product advertised constantly in there was 'Anne French Cleansing Milk' but I never got on with it and went with the less trendy Nivea. Without getting you lost in my random mental detail and boring you all to death, I'll just say, over the years the products have come and gone but I now realise I have come full circle and am back on the Nivea and the Glycerin & Rosewater! How strange.
However I will also add I use this amazing stuff from Yves Rocher, a French mail order skincare company
My skin just loves it, and it is a natural product from an ethical company which is always a plus in my book.
My next mental aimless meandering was around the momentous question of where am I from? or Where classes as my 'Home' town? This was all down to Mr Stephen Fry no less. I went to see him on a tour and book signing in Oxford, and when I got to the table with book clutched in hand he asked me that very question. 'Where are you from?' I must add this was after he FAILED me by pronouncing my name wrong, I was so sure a pedant like him would know the correct pronunciation, but I digress... He said 'that's an unusual name, where are you from?' At the time I replied 'Oxford' (to which he replied 'That's convenient') but as I travelled home on the train I did think am I really? does the fact that I have lived in and around Oxford for over 25 years now make it the place I come from or most idnetify with, is it my 'home' town, or should that be the place of my birth? I still haven't decided on that one. God help my poor addled brain.
Finally this week I went to an accoustic evening with Erik and Jaret from my favourite band 'Bowling for Soup'.
We took nephew number one, who is STILL growing dammit, and now towers over me! He did crack me up bless him. I had just come back from the bar and was trying not to die of heart failure over the prices (£4.05 for a can of beer!?!$%*&!) when his phone went, he checked it, said 'I must go, my people are here' and stalked off leaving us dismissed like some sort of minions to his celebrity!
I will finish with a final and very sobering ponder.
This is the back shot of a girl in the queue waiting to go in. She was there with two 'friends' I put that in quotes because friends? really? what kind of friend would ever let you go out with that kind of clothing catastrophy going on? Not a true one that is for sure. It reminded me of a girl I used to drink with Sarah, who just like this young girl was stunningly pretty but no stick insect. Sarah, who did not have the best of clothes senses, had a 'friend' who used to deliberatly let her go out in awful unflattering outfits to make herself look better. What do you think?
I'd better warn you now I feel this is going to be a ramble....
To digress for a moment do any of you find yourself being reminded of other bloggers or their posts whilst you are out and about?? This week for me it has been PennyDreadful and her afternoon tea post and LandGirl1980 and her Boots Traditional Range post. The reasons? Today I was on not one, but two computer courses. I survived both and actually enjoyed one of them!?! EEK
Anyway the building they were in is a blast from the past 1970's office block and hardly touched since it would seem, oh how I wish I had my camera with me when I visited the ladies! Unlike the ones in Penny's post these were not the height of glamorous luxury however they were the height of what would have been1970's modernity. Everything from the wall colour to the font of the 'Ladies' sign on the door screamed 1970's but nothing more so than the wall mounted ashtrays in the toilet cubicles! I kid you not. If I'm ever back there there will be photies I promise.
The Boots Traditional post came to mind when I was in Boots of all places, funny that!
I commented on the post that I have always used Glycerin and Rosewater toner ever since my first foray into the delights of make-up (navy blue eyeliner and spot concealer anyone?) It also made me have the first of many ponders this week which is why I have given this blog it's title.
To explain, I am one of lifes great procrastinators and I am convinced a symptom of that is thinking about things too much, even the most ridiculous or random things can occupy my mind for hours.
So my first mental wonderings were about all the products I have used on my face over the years to remove varying thicknesses of slap. I remember when I bought my first item of make-up, (a navy blue eyeliner pencil from Doncaster market no less) was a time where I was also reading 'Jackie' magazine. I recall the product advertised constantly in there was 'Anne French Cleansing Milk' but I never got on with it and went with the less trendy Nivea. Without getting you lost in my random mental detail and boring you all to death, I'll just say, over the years the products have come and gone but I now realise I have come full circle and am back on the Nivea and the Glycerin & Rosewater! How strange.
However I will also add I use this amazing stuff from Yves Rocher, a French mail order skincare company
My skin just loves it, and it is a natural product from an ethical company which is always a plus in my book.
My next mental aimless meandering was around the momentous question of where am I from? or Where classes as my 'Home' town? This was all down to Mr Stephen Fry no less. I went to see him on a tour and book signing in Oxford, and when I got to the table with book clutched in hand he asked me that very question. 'Where are you from?' I must add this was after he FAILED me by pronouncing my name wrong, I was so sure a pedant like him would know the correct pronunciation, but I digress... He said 'that's an unusual name, where are you from?' At the time I replied 'Oxford' (to which he replied 'That's convenient') but as I travelled home on the train I did think am I really? does the fact that I have lived in and around Oxford for over 25 years now make it the place I come from or most idnetify with, is it my 'home' town, or should that be the place of my birth? I still haven't decided on that one. God help my poor addled brain.
Finally this week I went to an accoustic evening with Erik and Jaret from my favourite band 'Bowling for Soup'.
We took nephew number one, who is STILL growing dammit, and now towers over me! He did crack me up bless him. I had just come back from the bar and was trying not to die of heart failure over the prices (£4.05 for a can of beer!?!$%*&!) when his phone went, he checked it, said 'I must go, my people are here' and stalked off leaving us dismissed like some sort of minions to his celebrity!
I will finish with a final and very sobering ponder.
This is the back shot of a girl in the queue waiting to go in. She was there with two 'friends' I put that in quotes because friends? really? what kind of friend would ever let you go out with that kind of clothing catastrophy going on? Not a true one that is for sure. It reminded me of a girl I used to drink with Sarah, who just like this young girl was stunningly pretty but no stick insect. Sarah, who did not have the best of clothes senses, had a 'friend' who used to deliberatly let her go out in awful unflattering outfits to make herself look better. What do you think?
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Oh The Perils of Wearing Vintage Shoes.
So yesterday was the interview (as mentioned in previous post). I was far too cocky when it came to an outfit. I waited until Tuesday night to press the trousers and blouse I planned to wear. Himself asked 'You are going to try those on before tomorrow morning aren't you?' as he put on his shoes 'I have visions of you dashing into Next on the way to the station tomorrow morning' said he as he headed out of the front door.
Hmm thought I, I suppose I should.......
Yes you've guessed it, all the comfort eating of late has taken it's just but terrible toll, said trousers would not do up.
*please insert your favourite expletives here and imagine me using them repeatedly*
One hour of panic and clothing armagedon later, plans 'B' and 'C' were assembled. Plan B was a lovely black and white 50's style floral frock, with a purple cardigan and my wonderous purple Clarks shoes.
Plan C was a pair of wide legged pinstriped trousers and a cute little teal blouse. In the end I decided that plan B was to formal and went for plan C.
As I had a 10 minute walk each way between buildings for a tour of the potential new work place and the interview, I plumped for wearing a pair of 1970's black suede platform shoes which I adore, that are very comfortable to walk in.
I had a lovely walk to the station.
More beautiful things to brighten my day.
I had to go into work for an hour and a half beforehand and in that time got told by one of the agency staff I reminded him of a tealady!?! I hoped that was because I was pushing a trolley at the time and not because of what I was wearing! Not a good start.
So I headed out into the sunshine and arrived for my tour 5 minutes early. I was asked to take a seat and thought I overheard the girl on the phone say 'Gill is here for her tour' then thought no I must have misheard but.
'Hi Gill, I'm Marion follow me' said the lady who came to collect me and breezed off chatting nonstop as we went. She was lovely and the tour was eye openning to say the least, but my name is not Gill........ Oh dear.
Back outside in my vintage sunnies I enjoyed walking back to the personnel department for my interview. I didn't notcie anything wrong as I walked but when I sat waiting to be collected I looked down and *HORRORS*, the soles of my gorgeous, gorgoeus plaforms had split!!!!
Hence the title of the post. The platform soles are/were made of rubber and had obviously simply perished with age. They were literally crumbling away as I looked at them 'SHiiiiiiiT', I wasn't even sure I would be able to walk across the room to my interview without a big lump falling off! Thankfully they did hold out and I don't *think* anyone noticed. I had to spend the rest of the morning at work in my steel toe caps which as you can imagined looked sensational with my interview garb! ( I bet you don't see tealadies in steelies!)
I also had to go home in them which we are not meant to do, but as I am the Health and Safety Rep I guess I can turn a blind eye on myself lol.
The rest of the afternoon I spent at my parents house helping my Mum and her ladies sort clothes for their Age Concern nearly new sale. I think I earned much respect for my apparently limitless knowledge of clothing brands & labels, old and new. I even surprised myself lol.
Oh and for managing to not only stay in the room, but to also sort through the eyewateringly, throat gaggingly smelly contents of one donated suitcase. I have to say that is one smell I never, ever want to smell again.... ever!
Oh and I didn't get the job, which on the whole I am actually relieved about. Though I am still heartbroken, HEARTBROKEN and mourning the loss of my shoes.
Hmm thought I, I suppose I should.......
Yes you've guessed it, all the comfort eating of late has taken it's just but terrible toll, said trousers would not do up.
*please insert your favourite expletives here and imagine me using them repeatedly*
One hour of panic and clothing armagedon later, plans 'B' and 'C' were assembled. Plan B was a lovely black and white 50's style floral frock, with a purple cardigan and my wonderous purple Clarks shoes.
Plan C was a pair of wide legged pinstriped trousers and a cute little teal blouse. In the end I decided that plan B was to formal and went for plan C.
As I had a 10 minute walk each way between buildings for a tour of the potential new work place and the interview, I plumped for wearing a pair of 1970's black suede platform shoes which I adore, that are very comfortable to walk in.
I had a lovely walk to the station.
More beautiful things to brighten my day.
I had to go into work for an hour and a half beforehand and in that time got told by one of the agency staff I reminded him of a tealady!?! I hoped that was because I was pushing a trolley at the time and not because of what I was wearing! Not a good start.
So I headed out into the sunshine and arrived for my tour 5 minutes early. I was asked to take a seat and thought I overheard the girl on the phone say 'Gill is here for her tour' then thought no I must have misheard but.
'Hi Gill, I'm Marion follow me' said the lady who came to collect me and breezed off chatting nonstop as we went. She was lovely and the tour was eye openning to say the least, but my name is not Gill........ Oh dear.
Back outside in my vintage sunnies I enjoyed walking back to the personnel department for my interview. I didn't notcie anything wrong as I walked but when I sat waiting to be collected I looked down and *HORRORS*, the soles of my gorgeous, gorgoeus plaforms had split!!!!
Hence the title of the post. The platform soles are/were made of rubber and had obviously simply perished with age. They were literally crumbling away as I looked at them 'SHiiiiiiiT', I wasn't even sure I would be able to walk across the room to my interview without a big lump falling off! Thankfully they did hold out and I don't *think* anyone noticed. I had to spend the rest of the morning at work in my steel toe caps which as you can imagined looked sensational with my interview garb! ( I bet you don't see tealadies in steelies!)
I also had to go home in them which we are not meant to do, but as I am the Health and Safety Rep I guess I can turn a blind eye on myself lol.
The rest of the afternoon I spent at my parents house helping my Mum and her ladies sort clothes for their Age Concern nearly new sale. I think I earned much respect for my apparently limitless knowledge of clothing brands & labels, old and new. I even surprised myself lol.
Oh and for managing to not only stay in the room, but to also sort through the eyewateringly, throat gaggingly smelly contents of one donated suitcase. I have to say that is one smell I never, ever want to smell again.... ever!
Oh and I didn't get the job, which on the whole I am actually relieved about. Though I am still heartbroken, HEARTBROKEN and mourning the loss of my shoes.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Must Visit Spring Exhibitions........now how do I get to Woking?
Just spotted a tiny article about this very intersting looking exhibition in Woking
Essential Accessories: Handbags and Heels
I think I may have to investigate further as Woking is a place I have heard of but never been too. Trains look doable....Hmm. I wonder if i can persuade anyone to go with me.......
Does anyone know Woking at all? Hints and tips gratefully received!
Other that the above exhibition I really REALLY want to go and see this one at the V&A
The Cult of Beauty
This is the main era I covered at college, with Edward Burne Jones being a favourite artist of mine. However I suspect this will definitly be me going on my own :-(
I don't mind doing exhibitions alone it is just nicer to have someone to go with.
Essential Accessories: Handbags and Heels
I think I may have to investigate further as Woking is a place I have heard of but never been too. Trains look doable....Hmm. I wonder if i can persuade anyone to go with me.......
Does anyone know Woking at all? Hints and tips gratefully received!
Other that the above exhibition I really REALLY want to go and see this one at the V&A
The Cult of Beauty
This is the main era I covered at college, with Edward Burne Jones being a favourite artist of mine. However I suspect this will definitly be me going on my own :-(
I don't mind doing exhibitions alone it is just nicer to have someone to go with.
Saturday, 2 April 2011
When the going gets tough..... You guessed it, I go shopping.
It's been another pretty hellish week at work. It seems likely this will be the norm until I get the hell out of Dodge, I used to love my job so much and now I can't wait to go, breaks my heart.We had another 4 people leave this week so that really made the week finish on a low.
I do have an interview next week at the Institue of American and African Studies. I'm really not sure about this job, but as there has been absolutely nothing else internal to apply for and it's getting horribly close to the wire(July 31st)......it sounded ok-ish so I gave it a go. I guess I'll find out when I go for my pre-interview tour next week, I need to find out about the money too, it's potentially a LOT less than I am on now. If that's the case I will have to pull out of the process even if I end up loving the sound of it, I can't afford to take a large cut. It really does suck big time. So much for being a valued employee, I will stop before I start ranting. Lets just say I am so bitter right now my flavour is lemon.
Anyway yesterday I went to take the lovely cream lace dress back to the shop I got it from in hopes of a refund *weep* I failed spectacularly at the first hurdle when it comes to dyeing clothes, namely: LOOK AT WHAT THEY ARE MADE OUT OF!
The lining was 100% polyester and polyester doesn't dye. So it was a sad bunny who returned the dress yesterday. I did end up going into New Look and buying a dress and cardigan but as I haven't tried them on yet, no pictures as yet. They might even go back in the cold light of 'stop spending money you might be unemployed in 4 months time' day.
Today my bestest buddy Soo came over for some girlie time, charity shopping and patient listening to my moaning and whingeing on. I took a bag of goods with me to hand in (to appease the charity shop gods into helping us find bargains!) We both did pretty well as it goes :-)
Here is my haul:
First up a cute little tea dress. It's a modern one from Dorothy Perkins but I thought it was lovely and it was only £6.
Next up a pair of 3/4 jeans, they were rather smelly and dirty but only £2 so I got them bagged up seperately and stuck them straight in the wash when I got home!
Bargain of the day was this beautiful black wool suit at £6.99. The girl said that it was worth a lot more but noone buys suits so they mark them down to try and sell them. I may even wear it to the interview next week :-)
This thankfully was beautifully fresh and clean.
I also bought this amazing pure wool vintage skirt for £1 to sell in my Etsy shop.
They also had a green and maroon long tartan skirt that was actually a pair of culottes and not a kilt at all, most bizarre! I decided it was just a bit *too* quirky to sell on.
Talking of bizarre, in every shop we went into there were some of the most amazing full on 80's clothes I've seen since, well, the 80's! It was like someone had cleared out a time capsule wardrobe and taken some to each shop. I wish I had taken my camera along, some of it was mental, with huge shoulderpads and garish colours and patterns. It did entertain us I must say.
Completely forgot to add this one! I also bought this top, thought it would do for the summer.
As you can see Himself thought it would be funny to disrupt my photo taking!
I do have an interview next week at the Institue of American and African Studies. I'm really not sure about this job, but as there has been absolutely nothing else internal to apply for and it's getting horribly close to the wire(July 31st)......it sounded ok-ish so I gave it a go. I guess I'll find out when I go for my pre-interview tour next week, I need to find out about the money too, it's potentially a LOT less than I am on now. If that's the case I will have to pull out of the process even if I end up loving the sound of it, I can't afford to take a large cut. It really does suck big time. So much for being a valued employee, I will stop before I start ranting. Lets just say I am so bitter right now my flavour is lemon.
Anyway yesterday I went to take the lovely cream lace dress back to the shop I got it from in hopes of a refund *weep* I failed spectacularly at the first hurdle when it comes to dyeing clothes, namely: LOOK AT WHAT THEY ARE MADE OUT OF!
The lining was 100% polyester and polyester doesn't dye. So it was a sad bunny who returned the dress yesterday. I did end up going into New Look and buying a dress and cardigan but as I haven't tried them on yet, no pictures as yet. They might even go back in the cold light of 'stop spending money you might be unemployed in 4 months time' day.
Today my bestest buddy Soo came over for some girlie time, charity shopping and patient listening to my moaning and whingeing on. I took a bag of goods with me to hand in (to appease the charity shop gods into helping us find bargains!) We both did pretty well as it goes :-)
Here is my haul:
First up a cute little tea dress. It's a modern one from Dorothy Perkins but I thought it was lovely and it was only £6.
Next up a pair of 3/4 jeans, they were rather smelly and dirty but only £2 so I got them bagged up seperately and stuck them straight in the wash when I got home!
Bargain of the day was this beautiful black wool suit at £6.99. The girl said that it was worth a lot more but noone buys suits so they mark them down to try and sell them. I may even wear it to the interview next week :-)
This thankfully was beautifully fresh and clean.
I also bought this amazing pure wool vintage skirt for £1 to sell in my Etsy shop.
They also had a green and maroon long tartan skirt that was actually a pair of culottes and not a kilt at all, most bizarre! I decided it was just a bit *too* quirky to sell on.
Talking of bizarre, in every shop we went into there were some of the most amazing full on 80's clothes I've seen since, well, the 80's! It was like someone had cleared out a time capsule wardrobe and taken some to each shop. I wish I had taken my camera along, some of it was mental, with huge shoulderpads and garish colours and patterns. It did entertain us I must say.
Completely forgot to add this one! I also bought this top, thought it would do for the summer.
As you can see Himself thought it would be funny to disrupt my photo taking!
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