The last weekend in September and hasn't it been glorious? I have pottered about and you'll be pleased to hear also tidied the house a bit .
We also went for another long walk today. Himself is full of cold and was hoping for a kill or cure, as he is currently upstairs lying down I can only assume it was the former! I'm also wearily aware he is sure to pass it on to me before the week is out which is very, very bad. I can't afford to get sick right now which is exactly why I will as that is always the way.
but for the time being I shall focus on beautiful views on a beautiful day like this.
I didn't get a chance to get a picture on Monday but the sash was every bit as awful as I thought it would be, bright green satin, oh dear, oh dear.
That is not the end of it either, this Tuesday I have to go to the programme launch dinner. It's going to be in Keble College which instantly means it's black tie.
The problem is technically I am working so I can't go glammed to the nines with sequins from arse to elbow much as I would like too.
Instead I have to find a frock that not only fits (eek) but will pass muster as both a cocktail dress and workwear. I believe this is what is called a first world problem and not one I would ever have thought I would ever find myself pondering!
On Wednesday it's the first of October and the start of a mad busy month for me, half for work and half for pleasure.
On Friday I'll be off to Paris for work, with a few hours of free time on Saturday morning this time round and plans to take in a flea market at the very least. A friend from America's younger sister has just gone to Paris to study for 6 months so I am very much hoping to catch up with her, I haven't seen her for over 5 years and she was still a shy teenager then. It would be so lovely to catch up.
Home on Sunday and then it's back to work on Monday for a week of interviewing before heading to London next Saturday, yet again for work.
See why I really don't want to be catching Himself's cold!
I have to say I do resent when work hijacks my weekends, it's very difficult to claim the time back and we don't get offered overtime. Bah.
Anyway other than having panic attacks about the amount of work I have coming up I have found time for a wee bit of shopping.
It's Nephew Number One's birthday on the 11th so when I was out getting him a few bits I also ended up buying this lovely green cardigan, not that it has been cold enough to wear it yet.
Apologies for the creases, yes it was screwed up in the bottom of a bag, I do hate how a lot of shop assistants these days just ball up you item and bung it in a bag!
No respect.
I also bought him something on Ebay which meant I ended up browsing and ended up buying another Hell Bunny dress that was absolutely cheap as chips so I couldn't not really.
Haven't tried it yet, it will probably be hideous on then I will end up reselling it!
Finally I got this gorgeous owl print dress in Peacocks. It's the same style tea dress as the rose print one I bought the other month and love.
Following the Vix rule as I have bought new ones a few dresses have gone out of the wardrobe, not that you can tell.....

An avid shopper, collector and vintage loving ex-librarian. History and books are a passion, so are clothes, old movies, Snoopy, Gene Kelly and heavy rock. Not the most obvious of combinations but there you go! I have an ever growing book mountain and always about 5 books and about 55 stitching projects on the go at any one time Teenage Kicks by The Undertones is my favourite song and The Hound of the Baskervilles is my favourite book.
Sunday, 28 September 2014
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Hedges and a Harvest Festival
Work has been crazy busy so my lovely relaxing holiday is already a distant dream already.
I'm sitting here drinking tea and marveling at the sheer level of chaos I have let my house get into since I've been back, am I going to do anything about it? Nope the sun is shining so I'm off out for a walk after breakfast and a food shop, housework be damned.
This gorgeous weather has meant I'd rather be out than in and we even had a departmental meeting outside at work. This did result in me getting bitten by some unidentified creature which quickly started to swell and form an ominous red line up my arm. I don't know what it is about me and bug bites at the moment usually I rarely get bitten and now it's like it's open season. I'm not happy I can tell you.
I raked the first lot of leaves in the garden and attacked the hedges ready for winter. I had to go and buy a heavy duty saw and some extra long telescopic handled loppers which I got a little bit too excited about (I really need to get out more.)
When the lady in the shop checked I was over 21 and the were actually for me. I replied in the affirmative with so much enthusiasm she narrowed her eyes and said "I see" with such emphasis on the 'see' I thought she might call over the manager and suggest detaining me until the police could be called!
Luckily I left with my purchases and spent a happy few hours chopping things down out side.
My bingo wings certainly got a workout!
Yesterday Soo and I went to Grey's Court near Henley for a visit and because they had a 'Big Harvest' festival on. The house and gardens were absolutely gorgeous but the festival was actually more of a small farmers market with a few Morris Dancers for entertainment.
The house had a wonderful homely feel, like it was still lived in.
This is probably down to the fact the family agreed to leave all their grandparents belongings in it, so it's a wonderful mix of old and valuable with cheap and cheerful. There are books and photos and toys scattered about but it doesn't feel contrived. I wish I could have taken pictures but you weren't allowed. There was a lovely Steiff elephant who caught my eye and an amazing yellow Art Deco bath which made me exclaim out loud with delight.
The guides are very friendly and informative, to the point where we got trapped in a bedroom for about 20 minutes but one who kept going 'but' or 'and' just when you thought she might have finished and you could slip away.
Definitely worth a visit if you are ever in the area.
How amazing is this bench? there seemed to be a theme of Owls and Hedgehogs throughout the house and garden.
My only complaint £1.95 for an small cup of tea that was gone in two mouthfuls, £1.95!?! seriously! bloody outrageous.
Other than that Himself and I went to see 'Before I go to Sleep'
I haven't read the book it's based on though quite a few people who have, said it is amazing. I'm not sure I could now because I know the big plot twist! I really enjoyed the film and hats of to Nicole for going through most of the film with not a scrap of make-up on or flattering lighting.
This week we are planning to see 'The Riot Club' which is loosely based on the elitist Bullingdon Club at Oxford University. Apparently it shows the university in a very poor light so I am intrigued!
Talking of the University we have enrolment day on Monday. This year is different because they have brought in an ex-student with her own PR company to 'manage' the day.
We all got emails telling where we should be and when, (like none of us have ever done this before!) and much worse told we MUST be wearing either a black or navy suit.......
Well that nearly caused a riot club there and then!
Let's put it this way most people are like me, in that as we are not a corporate environment my work wear is casual smart. This goes up to smart/formal on special days like this, but from the way it was worded we all felt the insinuation was that we don't know how to dress appropriately for more formal occasions.
That being said I don't actually own a black or navy suit and as it turns out neither does anyone else in my office, it seems we all prefer a bit of colour. I emailed back saying just that and was told a formal black or navy dress would be fine instead as we will be wearing a 'branded' sash. WTF? I said we will look like Miss Undertaker of the year contestants, it all descended into chaos after that with threats of bikinis and tiaras.
Anyway the long and the short of it is I don't own a formal black or navy dress either so they will have to make do with my black and white spotted Pearl Lowe dress and like it.
Think of me on Monday parading round in my sash..............
I'm sitting here drinking tea and marveling at the sheer level of chaos I have let my house get into since I've been back, am I going to do anything about it? Nope the sun is shining so I'm off out for a walk after breakfast and a food shop, housework be damned.
This gorgeous weather has meant I'd rather be out than in and we even had a departmental meeting outside at work. This did result in me getting bitten by some unidentified creature which quickly started to swell and form an ominous red line up my arm. I don't know what it is about me and bug bites at the moment usually I rarely get bitten and now it's like it's open season. I'm not happy I can tell you.
I raked the first lot of leaves in the garden and attacked the hedges ready for winter. I had to go and buy a heavy duty saw and some extra long telescopic handled loppers which I got a little bit too excited about (I really need to get out more.)
When the lady in the shop checked I was over 21 and the were actually for me. I replied in the affirmative with so much enthusiasm she narrowed her eyes and said "I see" with such emphasis on the 'see' I thought she might call over the manager and suggest detaining me until the police could be called!
Luckily I left with my purchases and spent a happy few hours chopping things down out side.
My bingo wings certainly got a workout!
Yesterday Soo and I went to Grey's Court near Henley for a visit and because they had a 'Big Harvest' festival on. The house and gardens were absolutely gorgeous but the festival was actually more of a small farmers market with a few Morris Dancers for entertainment.
The house had a wonderful homely feel, like it was still lived in.
This is probably down to the fact the family agreed to leave all their grandparents belongings in it, so it's a wonderful mix of old and valuable with cheap and cheerful. There are books and photos and toys scattered about but it doesn't feel contrived. I wish I could have taken pictures but you weren't allowed. There was a lovely Steiff elephant who caught my eye and an amazing yellow Art Deco bath which made me exclaim out loud with delight.
The guides are very friendly and informative, to the point where we got trapped in a bedroom for about 20 minutes but one who kept going 'but' or 'and' just when you thought she might have finished and you could slip away.
Definitely worth a visit if you are ever in the area.
How amazing is this bench? there seemed to be a theme of Owls and Hedgehogs throughout the house and garden.
My only complaint £1.95 for an small cup of tea that was gone in two mouthfuls, £1.95!?! seriously! bloody outrageous.
Other than that Himself and I went to see 'Before I go to Sleep'
I haven't read the book it's based on though quite a few people who have, said it is amazing. I'm not sure I could now because I know the big plot twist! I really enjoyed the film and hats of to Nicole for going through most of the film with not a scrap of make-up on or flattering lighting.
This week we are planning to see 'The Riot Club' which is loosely based on the elitist Bullingdon Club at Oxford University. Apparently it shows the university in a very poor light so I am intrigued!
Talking of the University we have enrolment day on Monday. This year is different because they have brought in an ex-student with her own PR company to 'manage' the day.
We all got emails telling where we should be and when, (like none of us have ever done this before!) and much worse told we MUST be wearing either a black or navy suit.......
Well that nearly caused a riot club there and then!
Let's put it this way most people are like me, in that as we are not a corporate environment my work wear is casual smart. This goes up to smart/formal on special days like this, but from the way it was worded we all felt the insinuation was that we don't know how to dress appropriately for more formal occasions.
That being said I don't actually own a black or navy suit and as it turns out neither does anyone else in my office, it seems we all prefer a bit of colour. I emailed back saying just that and was told a formal black or navy dress would be fine instead as we will be wearing a 'branded' sash. WTF? I said we will look like Miss Undertaker of the year contestants, it all descended into chaos after that with threats of bikinis and tiaras.
Anyway the long and the short of it is I don't own a formal black or navy dress either so they will have to make do with my black and white spotted Pearl Lowe dress and like it.
Think of me on Monday parading round in my sash..............
Monday, 8 September 2014
Sun Sea and Sand What More Could you Want?
We are back from our long weekend by the sea. Mentally refreshed and restored, physically tired, aching and a little sunburnt and in my case with a massive unidentified insect bite on my leg.
We arrived on Thursday and had to go straight to the shops because Himself managed to only managed to bring one pair of jeans. Trouserage purchased we headed to the beach with a bottle of wine and sat until it was dark watching the sea and the people.
I do love people watching. A surfer dude who loved himself very much and spent more time posing for photos than surfing and some drug addicts in a tent with a fishing rod kept me entertained the most, though the later did rather spoil the idyll, I know it's life but it's not a part I was looking to be reminded of as I sat on a beach relaxing.
On our first full day we decided to hike to Hengistbury Head, a 15 mile round trip the thought of which I did find more than a little daunting. As it turned out the terrain was pretty gentle on the whole and it was worth it for the views.
It's a long way up and judging by the flowers and the odd wreath dotted about clearly a suicide spot which was another sobering moment of the holiday.
We sat on this bench for a while to admire the view, and because frankly, we were knackered. It was absolutely silent and still with no breeze, just gorgeous.
After a restorative dinner we decided on another quiet night chilling on the beach so called in at Tesco on the way back for more wine.
As we headed through the park the siren call of the crazy golf was too much so we did a detour.
Himself kept score but didn't tell me who won so it must have been me ;-)
We sat watching the dusk fall and the moon rise, drank wine and played with some of the settings on the new camera and no I still haven't read the manual yet!
I made a collage with what was in reaching distance around me
and in doing so found this stone which made us both laugh
A perfect day.
Saturday I was nowhere near as knackered or stiff as I expected. Himself had managed to break the toilet in our en suite so we took ourselves off for a beach walk whilst it was fixed.
I picked up about a hundred weight in pebbles and shells which I insisted on bringing home but made him carry in his bag (hehe).
In the afternoon I met my friend Alison for cake and much gossip. We chatted about various things including the fact you sometimes get dolphins around the area, a creature I have only ever seen in an aquarium and would love to see in the wild.
Next day she sent me a link to the BBC news website about a pod that had been spotted at Sandbanks right where we had been sat in a bar discussing seeing dolphins in the wild. I imagined it being just like the Kit-Kat pandas advert!!
That evening Himself was determined to go out. Saturday is probably not the best choice of night to sample the delights or Bournemouth's bars because it is the time the stag and hen parties are at their full and terrible height.
I lost count of how many staggering shrieking groups of girls and baying groups of blokes we saw, it was like being plunged into a horrible dream.
This is the side of Bournemouth I hate, the seedy strip clubs and pissed up punters. Just to bring it all home and to remind me how very happy I am my drunken clubbing days are far behind me I will describe what happened in Yates's.
They had cleared the floor for dancing and there were 2 girls right next to where we were standing minding their own business and having a dance. One was tall and very slim in a black crop top and skater style skirt. Next thing this bloke from a stag party takes off his shoes and socks walks over to the girl pulls her top forward so all the lads get an eyeful then stuffs his socks down it because "you're not bad but your tits are too small and you'd look better with bigger tits"
Himself and I couldn't decide whether the worst bit was what the bloke did or the fact that she just stood there and didn't punch his lights out for doing it, personally I wanted to kill him but it's not wise to get into anything, you don't know what might happen which I think is probably why she didn't react other than to remove the socks and leave.
Horrible, it really ruined any fun I might have been having so we also left and headed back to a quieter Wetherspoons off the main trail.
I had brought my Hawaiian Hell Bunny dress for an outing and I feel sorry for what it had to witness.
As Alison says on the one hand the whole Stag/Hen do reputation brings money to the town but on the other the amount of damage and anti-social behaviour it also brings might just outweigh the benefits.
We arrived on Thursday and had to go straight to the shops because Himself managed to only managed to bring one pair of jeans. Trouserage purchased we headed to the beach with a bottle of wine and sat until it was dark watching the sea and the people.
I do love people watching. A surfer dude who loved himself very much and spent more time posing for photos than surfing and some drug addicts in a tent with a fishing rod kept me entertained the most, though the later did rather spoil the idyll, I know it's life but it's not a part I was looking to be reminded of as I sat on a beach relaxing.
On our first full day we decided to hike to Hengistbury Head, a 15 mile round trip the thought of which I did find more than a little daunting. As it turned out the terrain was pretty gentle on the whole and it was worth it for the views.
It's a long way up and judging by the flowers and the odd wreath dotted about clearly a suicide spot which was another sobering moment of the holiday.
We sat on this bench for a while to admire the view, and because frankly, we were knackered. It was absolutely silent and still with no breeze, just gorgeous.
After a restorative dinner we decided on another quiet night chilling on the beach so called in at Tesco on the way back for more wine.
As we headed through the park the siren call of the crazy golf was too much so we did a detour.
Himself kept score but didn't tell me who won so it must have been me ;-)
We sat watching the dusk fall and the moon rise, drank wine and played with some of the settings on the new camera and no I still haven't read the manual yet!
I made a collage with what was in reaching distance around me
and in doing so found this stone which made us both laugh
A perfect day.
Saturday I was nowhere near as knackered or stiff as I expected. Himself had managed to break the toilet in our en suite so we took ourselves off for a beach walk whilst it was fixed.
I picked up about a hundred weight in pebbles and shells which I insisted on bringing home but made him carry in his bag (hehe).
In the afternoon I met my friend Alison for cake and much gossip. We chatted about various things including the fact you sometimes get dolphins around the area, a creature I have only ever seen in an aquarium and would love to see in the wild.
Next day she sent me a link to the BBC news website about a pod that had been spotted at Sandbanks right where we had been sat in a bar discussing seeing dolphins in the wild. I imagined it being just like the Kit-Kat pandas advert!!
That evening Himself was determined to go out. Saturday is probably not the best choice of night to sample the delights or Bournemouth's bars because it is the time the stag and hen parties are at their full and terrible height.
I lost count of how many staggering shrieking groups of girls and baying groups of blokes we saw, it was like being plunged into a horrible dream.
This is the side of Bournemouth I hate, the seedy strip clubs and pissed up punters. Just to bring it all home and to remind me how very happy I am my drunken clubbing days are far behind me I will describe what happened in Yates's.
They had cleared the floor for dancing and there were 2 girls right next to where we were standing minding their own business and having a dance. One was tall and very slim in a black crop top and skater style skirt. Next thing this bloke from a stag party takes off his shoes and socks walks over to the girl pulls her top forward so all the lads get an eyeful then stuffs his socks down it because "you're not bad but your tits are too small and you'd look better with bigger tits"
Himself and I couldn't decide whether the worst bit was what the bloke did or the fact that she just stood there and didn't punch his lights out for doing it, personally I wanted to kill him but it's not wise to get into anything, you don't know what might happen which I think is probably why she didn't react other than to remove the socks and leave.
Horrible, it really ruined any fun I might have been having so we also left and headed back to a quieter Wetherspoons off the main trail.
I had brought my Hawaiian Hell Bunny dress for an outing and I feel sorry for what it had to witness.
As Alison says on the one hand the whole Stag/Hen do reputation brings money to the town but on the other the amount of damage and anti-social behaviour it also brings might just outweigh the benefits.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Blogger in No Make-up, Midi Dress, New Boot Shocker.
I have a day off work well I have a few if I'm honest. the last bit of my annual leave to use up before the end of September and we are off to Bournemouth for our yearly pilgrimage away from it all by a bit of the coast that we love. We have one long walk planned and other than that we will see where the mood takes us.
We did a gentle 5 mile warm up hike on sunday as the day was so gorgeous, in fact I got sunburnt dammit.
One thing I love about living near the Chilterns is you seem to get such vast skies in this area, even though it is by no means a flat landscape.
This is me getting stung to buggery by the nettles, well I did decide to wear 3/4 length jeans! but I mean really, maintain your footpaths please dear local council.
I also got round to hameriting my crows. The poor things have been falling to bits and big crow was in danger of a wing completely rusting away. I didn't really want them all shiny but as Himself pointed out crows are meant to be black.
I'm sure they will weather a bit.
Today I had to go the Clarks to try on some boots I'd ordered. Practicality has meant I haven't been able to wallow in mourning my dead boots for very long.
I had a bit of a disaster with the first order but the second was fine and they have come home with me, here's hoping it's the start of a long and beautiful friendship.
I also got some cheap and cheerful black biker type boots in the New Look sale. If I remember correctly they were £12 and no doubt won't last the winter, but they fill a gap for the time being.
So what did I wear for my trip into town?
Well I have been stalking a vintage dress on the bay of E for a while now.
To digress for a moment, I find my vintage frock buying on Ebay tends to be a bit of a disaster if I'm brutally honest.
Probably 4 out of 6 purchases will be a mistake and I either end up reselling or charity bagging them. Those are pretty poor odds right?
You would be right to ask so why do I keep buying?
Well because when I do find a good one it's usually a total gem.
This purchase doesn't quite fit into that territory but it's a keeper. It's not in a style I normally choose and was too expensive to begin with which was why I didn't snap it up, but I kept it in my watch list for about 6 weeks. Watching as it got re-listed and re-listed again and again, each time it was reduced by the seller until I finally snaffled it for £7.99.
This ploy does work sometimes. To be fair mostly items will just keep getting re-listed at the same price or get bought by someone else but if that happens then so be it.
I wore it with my Curtise boots, which I think you will find Clarks have renamed in her honour much in the way of the Birkin or Kelly bag.
I also wore it out into town with no make-up on hence the headless shot above.
Want to see? Oh go on then
Haha, as if! this is as close as it gets.
Oh and in case you are wondering that is the Hogitat (hedgehog house) and their feeding box at the bottom of the tree.
Right I'm off to pack.
We did a gentle 5 mile warm up hike on sunday as the day was so gorgeous, in fact I got sunburnt dammit.
One thing I love about living near the Chilterns is you seem to get such vast skies in this area, even though it is by no means a flat landscape.
This is me getting stung to buggery by the nettles, well I did decide to wear 3/4 length jeans! but I mean really, maintain your footpaths please dear local council.
I also got round to hameriting my crows. The poor things have been falling to bits and big crow was in danger of a wing completely rusting away. I didn't really want them all shiny but as Himself pointed out crows are meant to be black.
I'm sure they will weather a bit.
Today I had to go the Clarks to try on some boots I'd ordered. Practicality has meant I haven't been able to wallow in mourning my dead boots for very long.
I had a bit of a disaster with the first order but the second was fine and they have come home with me, here's hoping it's the start of a long and beautiful friendship.
I also got some cheap and cheerful black biker type boots in the New Look sale. If I remember correctly they were £12 and no doubt won't last the winter, but they fill a gap for the time being.
So what did I wear for my trip into town?
Well I have been stalking a vintage dress on the bay of E for a while now.
To digress for a moment, I find my vintage frock buying on Ebay tends to be a bit of a disaster if I'm brutally honest.
Probably 4 out of 6 purchases will be a mistake and I either end up reselling or charity bagging them. Those are pretty poor odds right?
You would be right to ask so why do I keep buying?
Well because when I do find a good one it's usually a total gem.
This purchase doesn't quite fit into that territory but it's a keeper. It's not in a style I normally choose and was too expensive to begin with which was why I didn't snap it up, but I kept it in my watch list for about 6 weeks. Watching as it got re-listed and re-listed again and again, each time it was reduced by the seller until I finally snaffled it for £7.99.
This ploy does work sometimes. To be fair mostly items will just keep getting re-listed at the same price or get bought by someone else but if that happens then so be it.
I wore it with my Curtise boots, which I think you will find Clarks have renamed in her honour much in the way of the Birkin or Kelly bag.
I also wore it out into town with no make-up on hence the headless shot above.
Want to see? Oh go on then
Haha, as if! this is as close as it gets.
Oh and in case you are wondering that is the Hogitat (hedgehog house) and their feeding box at the bottom of the tree.
Right I'm off to pack.
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