As ever I took the opportunity to have a quick look in the local charity shops as I walked into town. Firstly I found 3 red gingham girls dresses, all 3 for just £1.99. They are ideal for some of my sewing projects so I snapped them up.

Next I found this fabulous vintage Top Shop skirt.

Definitely from the 80's as I recognise the old style label.
Whilst I was a size 10 back then I most certainly aren't one anymore! However I LOVED the fabric so much I bought it anyway. I might make something else out of it or I might sell it in my Etsy shop, not sure yet.
In the same shop I found this fab black bag. In great condition except for a few missing beads at the top which should be easy to fix.

Finally I found this cute little silver clutch.

Ok, I will admit to buying ANOTHER headscarf too. So in the end I was very happy I popped into town :-)

Once I got home I did start on the housey tasks I had set myself. Namely emptying the cupboard that holds all the mugs and glasses to sort through them as we seem to have so many they don't fit in the cupboard anymore! That went so well I did the crockery cupboard too. Finally, as I was on a roll, I decided to tackle the cupboards under the sink. Sort of wish I hadn't now. *SIGH* At one side at the back everything was covered in thick black mould, looks like we have a leak under there somewhere, so it's on to the rental agency on monday. In the mean time I scrubbed everything with bleach and boil washed all my dusters!
Mould and I are friends/enemies of old, ever since we moved into this house infact. It's a 1930's semi with no insulation and dodgy home improvements, which basically cause mould to grow at will. I learnt a very, very hard lesson when I stored all my shoes and handbags in a cupboard against an outside wall only to find many thick with mould and fit only for the bin after just a few months. Now lessons have been learned and I have become a bit of an expert on mould and how to treat it.
For now I've done enough cleaning and plan to spend an evening chilling in front of the T.V.
Shame about the mold. Its the devils own handy work, I swear. However - that skirt IS lovely! Can't wait to see what you make it into :)